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别墅铝艺大门后期使用过程中如何进行保养铝艺大门/别墅大门/庭院大门夏天有什么保养新招?随着技术水平的提高,苏州别墅铝艺大门比较多的出现在围墙铝艺大门中,由于它的价格不是特别贵,又能体现住户… 别墅铝艺大门表面的撞痕如何修复?价格?保养?铝艺大门/别墅大门/庭院大门夏天有什么保养新招?在苏州日常使用别墅铝艺大门中难免出现磕磕碰碰,也难免会有这样那样的撞痕,既不美观也缩短了铝艺大门的使用…


Summer is coming, many household appliances need to be carefully maintained, otherwise in hot summer, it is easy to produce adverse changes, thereby affecting the service life. Home aluminium art door, villa door, courtyard door is the same, need to be well maintained. Villa Building Material Network here tells you 7 ways to recruit and maintain, help your aluminium art gate, villa gate, courtyard gate can be maintained in hot summer. 


1. Aluminum Art Gate, Villa Gate and Courtyard Gate should be used lightly. Push and pull along naturally. If you find difficulties, don't push and pull hard. Trouble shooting should be done first. Ash accumulation and deformation are the main reasons for the difficulty of pulling in aluminium door, villa door and courtyard door. It is necessary to keep the door frame clean, especially the push-pull groove clean. Vacuum cleaner can be used to remove the dust accumulated in the groove and door seals.


2. When using and cleaning aluminium art gates, villas gates and courtyard gates, people should not step on the aluminium frame, nor pull the frame as a support to avoid track deformation.


3. Aluminum art doors, villas doors, courtyard doors can be stained with soft cloth with water or neutral detergent, do not use ordinary soap and detergent powder, strong acid and alkali detergent.


4. There is much rain in summer. After rainy days, wet glass and aluminium doors, villas doors and courtyard doors should be wiped out in time. Special attention should be paid to wiping out the accumulated water in sliding trough and treating it in time. The sliding trough lasts for a long time and the friction increases. A little oil or a layer of pyrotechnic oil can be added.


5. Aluminum frame joints should be checked regularly, bolts should be tightened in time and damaged parts should be replaced. The vulnerable parts of aluminium door, villa door and courtyard door, such as positioning pin, wind brace and floor spring, should be checked regularly and lubricated regularly to keep clean and flexible.


6. Sealing strips and glass seals are the key structures to ensure the sealing and heat preservation of aluminium art gate, villa gate and courtyard gate. If they fall off, they should be repaired and replaced in time.


7. Aluminum frame wall joints are often checked. If the frame is loosened over time, it is easy to deform the whole frame, which makes the door of aluminium art, villa and courtyard unable to be closed and sealed. Therefore, the screw loosening at the joint should be tightened immediately, such as the screw foot loosening, using epoxy strong glue to adjust a small amount of cement to seal.

在苏州选购庭院别墅铝艺大门需要注意什么?苏州铝艺大门 苏州装修业主在选购庭院别墅铝艺大门需要注意什么?今天我们以用料、加工、外观、价格、性能五个方面来讲解注意事项。一、用料庭院别墅铝艺大门主要用材一般包括三个方面:铝型材、玻璃、五金件,业主在选购产品时,往往比较注重铝型材和玻璃的厚薄,而对五金件的要求却不是很高,这是不全面的。庭院别墅门所用的铝… 铝艺别墅大门套该怎么安装?详细指导苏州铝艺大门 铝艺别墅大门套该怎么安装?苏州铝艺别墅大门套的首要效果有两点:1.维护效果。铝艺别墅大门套起着维护墙体边线的功用,门套还起着固定门扇的效果,没有门套,门扇就会装置不结实、密封效果差;窗套还能在装饰过程中修补因窗框封不实而导致的通风漏气的缺点。2.装饰效果。有非常大的装饰效果,它的造型、颜色、原料…
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