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为什么在苏州别墅庭院铝艺大门价格相差这么大?铝艺大门的尺寸如何确定?一般规格包括那些?庭院铝艺大门厂家太多,也就导致庭院铝艺大门的价格参差不齐,那为什么苏州别墅庭院铝艺大门之间的价格相差这… 别墅铝艺大门焊接出现气孔怎么办?铝艺大门的尺寸如何确定?一般规格包括那些?别墅铝艺大门是由各个部件组合在一起的,为了使别墅铝艺大门更加牢固就需要进行焊接。但是在焊接过程中会发现…


How to determine the size of the aluminium door has a great impact on the decoration style. Generally, there are two ways to determine the size of the aluminium door in Changzhou. First, the proportion of the building area following the villa is determined: generally, it can be from 1.2 meters * 2.2 - 4 meters * 2.5 or so. About the size of the villa gate, we should also look at the size of the villa, the villa gate is too big or too small will affect the beauty. If you reserve doors: 950MM for single doors; 1150MM for mother and son doors; villas are mainly to see if you have custom-made, custom-made, you can contact our professionals, we will personally go to the door service.


2. The normal size of the door is 90 cm wide and 200 cm high. If it is a mother-child door, then add the size of the small door. Some areas have specific sizes, so you need to let Mr. Feng Shui see the Luban ruler, if there is no such requirement, you can directly set the size.


We remind you that the most important thing for your home is the safety and durability of the villa gates, no matter what the method is. 

客户在家居方面如何挑选铝艺护栏?苏州铝艺大门 苏州铝艺护栏作为一种新型家居安全产品,被愈来愈多的人了解、使用,在许多新建高级住宅里有愈来愈多的业主考虑安置此类隐形铝艺护栏,市场上也有十几家企业或个人在营销、安置此类隐形铝艺护栏,面临众多的品牌及厂家,怎样就能够选购到质优价廉的隐形铝艺护栏。As a new type of home safety product, Changzhou… 在苏州别墅铝艺大门保养方法有哪些?苏州铝艺大门 别墅铝艺大门高端大气,让别墅更有档次和逼格。不过虽然苏州别墅铝艺大门美观,但也要注意使用过程中注重保养,不然会使铝艺门对整体的别墅造成一定的影响和美观效果,使用时间久了就会大门的表面就会附上一层灰土,如果你不细心去清理时间一长就很难处理掉了,这样一来就影响了别墅大门表面的色泽,还有可能会导致…
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